Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Test (CPET) is a test of heart and lung fitness simultaneously. With technology to measure the maximum oxygen consumption rate of the body during exercise (VO2 Max) โปรโมชั่น ufabet that can tell the rate of heart and lung contraction in numbers, reporting the maximum heart rate during exercise, the maximum respiratory rate during full exercise, and the volume of air used for breathing to exercise fully. With accurate calculations, we are more confident in exercising.
What is VO2 Max and why is it important…?
Maximal Oxygen Consumption or VO2 Max is the maximum rate of oxygen consumption by the body during exercise. This value reflects the fitness of the person being tested during that time. It can be assesse by exercising and measuring the gases that the person is breathing in and out. In addition, the VO2 Max value also shows the response of the metabolic system, respiratory system, heart rate, Heart Rate Zone and Training Plan, running speed and blood vessels to exercise. That means the higher the value, the more fit and strong it is.
Who is it suitable for?
- Amateur runners who are preparing for a major race and want to plan an appropriate training plan.
- People who exercise regularly
- Professional athletes who want to plan their training to push their limits.
- People who have not exercised for a long time and want to get back into it.
- Elderly people, patients at risk, or those who have had heart failure
- People with respiratory and lung problems
- People who are obese or have a BMI of over 23
Testing Procedure
The test is usually done by running on a treadmill or cycling (Stationary Bike Cycling), depending on the format chosen by the tester. A mask is worn to measure the gases the tester breathes in and out, a chest strap is worn to measure the heart rate, and electrodes are attached to measure an electrocardiogram (EKG 12 leads). The test takes approximately 30 minutes and a doctor visit is needed to summarize the test results, which are divided into 4 steps as follows:
1. Stand or sit still, breathe in and out normally to assess your normal condition before exercising.
2. Start walking or cycling gently to warm up.
3. When the test starts, the machine will adjust the exercise intensity according to the program. While the tester walks or cycles, the heart rate, electrocardiogram, and symptoms of the tester will be recorded at all times.
4. The test subject will exercise until reaching the maximum exertion level. After reaching the maximum exertion point, the doctor will adjust the machine to slow down. The test subject still needs to walk or cycle slowly until the machine stops. The doctor will continue to record the ECG and measure blood pressure at intervals for 3-5 minutes or longer if abnormalities are found.
Medical indications for VO2 Max testing
- Categorize patients according to risk and prognosis, such as in patients with heart failure, to assess readiness before surgery.
- Used in conjunction with exercise programming in various patient groups such as DM, HT, DLP, CAD.
- Used to evaluate post-treatment results
- Used to measure exercise capacity, also known as physical fitness assessment.
- Used for differential diagnosis to find the cause of fatigue or shortness of breath.
Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Test (CPET) is an important test to assess the fitness of the heart and lungs by measuring the VO2 Max value that reflects the fitness of the body. Let you know your own limits so that you can exercise appropriately and plan to develop training to break through your limits correctly and effectively. The Heart Center, Phyathai Phaholyothin Hospital is ready to provide care before, during and after the examination under the care of a multidisciplinary team with readiness and expertise. By a specialist in heart and blood vessels, physical therapists, sports medicine specialists and dietitians who are ready to provide care, advice and help plan and design an exercise program that is appropriate for each individual.